Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Beginning - The Reasons Why...

I have been reading several blogs now over the past few months and realized recently, how thoroughly neglected mine has been...

How little credit I have given this little spot to give a larger voice to my thoughts, experiences, insights and day to day prattle that can actually be quite interesting to others.

Some of the blogs I've read are incredibly inspiring and very moving. Others are more playful, and radiate a warmth and love for life that is contagious. As I read along, I find myslef thinking "I could have said that..." I could have writen that..." and I feel drawn further into the blog abyss that has taken the term obsessive compulsion to new heights... LOL literally.

Mark my words, a group will form for Bloggers Anon. before you know it... "And then he warned me that if I didn't stop blogging at bedtime, that was it. We were finished. And I heard him, but I just needed to check in on a couple of bloggs for a few minutes..."

I get up and feed the baby and I read blogs. I get the kids their breakfast and while they eat it I read blogs. I take the kids to school and return to blogging... I go to bed and get back up and read bloggs.

"Do real people actually read this stuff?" runs through my thoughts as I type this first post that is more personal than I ever planned in the beginning to get with you fellow bloggers out there. I mean do people actually read this stuff? Because if they do, I've got stuff to say and I think I am ready to start saying it.

Are you ready? Well, ready or not... its begun.

I have joined the world of those who believe what they say has worth, and meaning and that somewhere out there someone cares to read it and they do, read it I mean, right after they finish the dishes and feed the cat, and the best part is, that somewhere out there someone likes what they read and write enough to say so... and who actually link to your site so that after the kids are asleep, they can see what you might have written today. Here I go then, sharing the pebbles in my pocket...

This conversation with those of you who land here purposefully or otherwise, has intrigued me. Am I amusing myself or is it that I feel an exilerating high brought on by anticipation and one parting thought ... I've been meaning to write and connect for the longest time... and now that I am actually doing it, I can't tell you how much I look forward to again because I've got stuff to say and I think saying it here, is going to be really good for me, and I hope for others as well!